This article tells you about scholarships from different countries around the world that neither require you to pay a single penny, nor are they recommended. You have no recommendation, no money, no money for the fees of Pakistani universities!! And you want to study abroad for free!! So read this article carefully. Below is the…
Category: Scholarships
Electrical Engineering Courses on Coursera
This Post is for Electrical Engineers who want to excel or become an Electrical Design Engineer, Site Engineer, Construction and Planning Engineer, Protection Engineer or Testing and Commissioning Engineer in Transmission, Distribution or Substation fields. Below is the list of Top and Best free Electrical Engineering Courses on Coursera. If you want to know how…
ITU graduate fellowships
Welcome to our latest post on top scholarships and fellowships for Pakistani students at Information Technology University. Here we are posting list of top fully funded scholarships and fellowships for Pakistani students by Information Technology University. For international fellowships and scholarships go to our scholarships page. This post is about ITU graduate fellowships. Below is…